By Bram Stoker,Mary Shelley,Oscar Wilde
The penny dreadfuls have been reasonable nineteenth-century English tales that featured gothic, lurid, demanding, and tantalizing content material. those horror serials expense a penny in step with factor, as a result their identify: penny dreadfuls. The penny dreadfuls frequently paid homage toand even inspiredmany of the extra recognized narratives of the horror genre.
This ebook pairs 3 vague but influential penny dreadfuls with 3 of the main infamous literary giants of the 19th century: Dracula, Frankenstein, and Dorian grey, multi functional actual selection of the easiest Victorian gothic horror ever written. initially released at a time while dramatic clinical discoveries sparked a cultural fixation at the paranormal, those tales stay undying of their uncanny skill to prey upon our primal worry of that that is unusual, violent, and unknown.
This e-book encompasses a overall of six haunting tales:
Dracula by way of Bram Stoker
Dracula’s Guest by way of Bram Stoker (Dracula’s unique first bankruptcy, no longer released till after Stoker’s death)
Frankenstein through Mary Shelley
Wagner the Wehr-Wolf by means of George W. M. Reynolds
The photograph of Dorian Gray through Oscar Wilde
Varney the Vampire by way of Thomas Preskett Prest
Curl up with The Penny Dreadfuls on a dismal, moonless evening and rediscover those chilling classics.
Skyhorse Publishing, in addition to our Arcade, Yucca, and strong Books imprints, are proud to post a vast diversity of books for readers drawn to fictionnovels, novellas, political and scientific thrillers, comedy, satire, historic fiction, romance, erotic and love tales, secret, vintage literature, folklore and mythology, literary classics together with Shakespeare, Dumas, Wilde, Cather, and lots more and plenty extra. whereas now not each name we post turns into a New York Times bestseller or a countrywide bestseller, we're dedicated to books on topics which are occasionally missed and to authors whose paintings will possibly not in a different way discover a home.
Download e-book for iPad: The Russian Orthodox Church, 1917-1948: From Decline to by Daniela Kalkandjieva

By Daniela Kalkandjieva
This e-book tells the impressive tale of the decline and revival of the Russian Orthodox Church within the first 1/2 the 20th century and the mind-blowing U-turn within the perspective of the Soviet Union’s leaders in the direction of the church. within the years after 1917 the Bolsheviks’ anti-religious guidelines, the lack of the previous western territories of the Russian Empire, and the Soviet Union’s isolation from the remainder of the area and the resultant separation of Russian emigrés from the church have been disastrous for the church, which declined very considerably within the Nineteen Twenties and Thirties. although, while Poland used to be partitioned in 1939 among Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, Stalin allowed the Patriarch of Moscow, Sergei, jurisdiction over orthodox congregations within the conquered territories and went on, later, to motivate the church to advertise patriotic actions as a part of the resistance to the Nazi invasion. He agreed a Concordat with the church in 1943, and persevered to inspire the church, specifically its claims to jurisdiction over émigré Russian orthodox church buildings, within the speedy postwar interval. according to broad unique examine, the publication places ahead loads of new info and overturns tested pondering on many key points.
Download e-book for iPad: Vermis op Allesverloren (Afrikaans Edition) by Anchien Troskie

By Anchien Troskie
Wanneer Melinda een oggend opstaan, het haar tante Erta eenvoudig spoorloos verdwyn. Hoekom lê die skêr, verf en karton nog op die kombuistafel asof sy onderbreek is? Waarom het sy nie ’n briefie gelos soos sy altyd maak nie? Jare gelede is Erta deur die dorpenaars as ’n heks gebrandmerk oor haar kruierate en eksentrieke gedrag, veral nadat Oudominee commence het met sy vendetta youngster haar. Melinda vermoed onraad en al plan wat sy het is om Barrie Barnard, privaatspeurder en buitestander, in te roep om Erta te vind voor dit te laat is.
Download e-book for iPad: Gulp: Counting From 1 to 100 by Judith Dompierre

By Judith Dompierre
Download e-book for kindle: Seton Gordon: The Life and Times of a Highland Gentleman by Raymond Eagle

By Raymond Eagle
A busca (Portuguese Edition) by Daniel Yergin PDF

By Daniel Yergin
Uma das maiores autoridades mundiais sobre o assunto, Daniel Yergin demonstra que a questão energética é o motor de transformações políticas e econômicas globais da atualidade. A busca é um relato arrebatador sobre um problema que afeta o mundo contemporâneo: onde encontrar a energia que tanto necessitamos. Neste livro, o autor aborda as formas de energia tradicionais sobre as quais nossa civilização se ergueu e as novas fontes que prometem substituí-las.
Yergin devassa os bastidores do mercado petrolífero, analisando o aumento dos preços, a corrida pelos estoques do antigo império soviético e as fusões colossais que transformaram o cenário mundial. E encara algumas perguntas polêmicas: o petróleo vai acabar? Seria ele capaz de provocar um conflito inevitável entre a China e os Estados Unidos? Como a turbulência do Oriente Médio afetará o futuro dos estoques globais?
O autor relata a história surpreendente e, às vezes, turbulenta da energia nuclear, do carvão, da eletricidade e do gás common e oferece uma perspectiva singular sobre o problema das mudanças climáticas. E também nos conduz pelo ressurgimento das energias renováveis, explorando o potencial de recursos como o vento, o sol e os biocombustíveis.
Das ruas engarrafadas de Pequim ao litoral do mar Cáspio, dos conflitos no Oriente Médio até o Capitólio e o Vale do Silício, Yergin revela as decisões que estão moldando o futuro.
Henry Kissinger, ex-secretário de Estado americano, afirmou que A busca é “a obra definitiva sobre o tão essencial tema da energia e influenciará a política e a economia internacional”.
A obra foi aclamada pelos principais jornais americanos, incluindo the recent York occasions, The Wall road magazine e monetary instances, como “leitura obrigatória” para se entender a questão da energia no século XXI.
Vencedor do Pulitzer e formado pelas universidades de Yale e Cambridge, Daniel Yergin recebeu o usa strength Award “pela extensa contribuição no campo da energia e pelos esforços de conscientização internacional”.
”Esta obra fascinante é o trabalho definitivo sobre a questão worldwide mais importante da atualidade: a busca por fontes sustentáveis de energia.”Walter Isaacson, autor de Einstein: sua vida, seu universo e Steve Jobs
Ultrasonography in Gynecology - download pdf or read online

By Botros R. M. B. Rizk,Elizabeth E. Puscheck
Get The History of Professional Wrestling: World Championship PDF

By Graham Cawthon,Grant Sawyer,Dave Layne,Bobby Eaton
Download PDF by David Harvey: West Bromwich Corporation Buses

By David Harvey
Chemie einfach und verständlich (German Edition) - download pdf or read online

By Otfried Müller
Der Autor beschränkt sich auf die wesentlichen Gesetze und Begriffe und legt dabei großen Wert auf Anschaulichkeit und Ausführlichkeit. Die reagierenden Stoffe werden auf der Ebene der Atome und Moleküle beschrieben. Beispielsrechnungen werden Schritt für Schritt entwickelt, das macht chemisches Rechnen ganz einfach.
Wer die Gesetze der Chemie vom Atombau bis zur Thermodynamik verstehen will, dem sei das Buch empfohlen. Es führt den Leser Schritt für Schritt, langsam und anschaulich in die Chemie ein, ohne ihn mit dem Ballast der umfangreichen "Stoffchemie" zu erschlagen.