Cleveland TV Tales: Stories from the Golden Age of Local - download pdf or read online

By Mike Olszewski,Janice Olszewski

take note whilst television used to be simply 3 channels and the largest celebrities in Cleveland have been an outrageous motion picture host named Ghoulardi, a gradual elf named Barnaby, and a tough-as-nails newswoman named Dorothy Fuldheim? those pioneering entertainers invented tv programming earlier than our very eyes whereas we watched from our dwelling rooms.

Revisit the early days of neighborhood television in those enjoyable and fact-filled tales that includes . . . Paige Palmer, the health host who smoked 4 packs an afternoon . . . Smooth-voiced Captain Penny, who reminded us, “You can’t idiot mother” . . . risky speak convey host Alan Douglas, who driven visitors’ sizzling buttons—sometimes until eventually they punched again . . . Gene Carroll, longtime king of the novice hour . . . Woodrow, the Woodsman . . . Romper Room’s omit Barbara . . . Jungle Larry . . . and plenty of different neighborhood favorites.

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Cleveland TV Tales: Stories from the Golden Age of Local Television by Mike Olszewski,Janice Olszewski

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