Download e-book for kindle: Congenital Arteriovenous Aneurysms of the Carotid and by H. Olivecrona,J. Ladenheim

By H. Olivecrona,J. Ladenheim

twenty years have elapsed because the e-book of the earliest research from this health center thirteen bearing on arteriovenous aneurysms. even supposing various communications , 36-40 have elaborated on our next studies with this lesion, it is going to seem justified and ecocnomic at the moment to additional overview the cloth and determine the implications. additionally, we will try out during this monograph to pay attention essentially upon our personal medical fabric, the most important sequence released up to now, instead of organize an exhaustive survey sixty three of the literature. cognizance is invited to the learn of TÖNNlS and LANGE-COSACK , with which this sequence can be collated. Acknowledgements are herein made to different participants of the sanatorium who've formerly stated in this topic, from whose reviews we now have in numerous circumstances reproduced case histories. We show our thank you for the help rendered by means of Professor E. LlNDGREN. Drs. H. NORDENSTAM and O. HÖÖK have been style adequate to put their providers and suggestion at our disposal. To the Springer Publishing corporation is going the gratitude of the authors for the curiosity, attempt and cooperation attending the booklet of this monograph.

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Congenital Arteriovenous Aneurysms of the Carotid and Vertebral Arterial Systems by H. Olivecrona,J. Ladenheim

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