Download e-book for kindle: Contagion: Perspectives from Pre-Modern Societies by Lawrence I. Conrad,Dominik Wujastyk

By Lawrence I. Conrad,Dominik Wujastyk

Contagion - even this present day the be aware inspires worry of ailment and plague and has the ability to terrify. The 9 essays accrued right here research what pre-modern societies thought of the unfold of disorder and the way it can be managed: to what quantity have been options normal to fashionable epidemiology current? What does the pre-modern terminology let us know in regards to the conceptions of these instances? How did clinical inspiration relate to non secular and social ideals? The individuals display the complexity of principles on those matters, from antiquity via to the early smooth global, from China to India, the center East, and Europe. specific themes contain attitudes to leprosy within the previous testomony and the medieval West, conceptions of smallpox etiology in China, witchcraft and sorcery as ailment brokers in historical India, and the effect of classical Greek clinical conception. a huge end is that non-medical perceptions are as an important as clinical ones in people’s ideals approximately disorder and the ways that it may be combatted. this day we would possibly not think within the energy of demons, however the concept that disorder is retribution for sin keeps nice strength, as was once proven via the preferred response to the unfold of AIDS/HIV, and it is a lesson from the previous that the scientific occupation might do good to heed.

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Contagion - even this present day the be aware inspires worry of ailment and plague and has the ability to terrify. The 9 essays collected the following research what pre-modern societies thought of the unfold of ailment and the way it may be managed: to what volume have been strategies typical to fashionable epidemiology current?

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Contagion: Perspectives from Pre-Modern Societies by Lawrence I. Conrad,Dominik Wujastyk

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