Download PDF by George Kalogeris,Rosanna Warren,David Ferry: DIALOGOS

By George Kalogeris,Rosanna Warren,David Ferry

From an island in historic Greece to a hard work camp in twentieth century japanese Europe; from a lamplit Italian piazza to the darkish halls of an deserted domestic in Portugal—the voices upward push and meet, transact and go beyond. during this assortment George Kalogeris takes up the problem of literary translation with sensitivity and self-effacement—but no worry. “What we listen in a superb translation isn't in simple terms that voice of someone else but in addition the voice of the translator registering that attempt and its delight,” notes David Ferry in his statement. All 24 poems during this booklet Ferry praises as “instances of awareness … situations of ways this beneficiant and self-exacting mind's eye registers and responds to his deep knowing of the poems he translates.” At turns heartbreaking, melancholic, exultant, speculative, irreverent, and vulgar, those dialogues render essentially the most broadly fashionable voices of Western culture—Theocritus, Sappho, Pindar, Pessoa, Celan, and Akhmatova, between others—into clean, modern English. This assortment will draw all fans of poetry and ideas into what Warren calls the “fraternity of mind's eye” that Kalogeris has so vividly conceived. With foreword through Rosanna Warren and observation by way of David Ferry.

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DIALOGOS by George Kalogeris,Rosanna Warren,David Ferry

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