By Timothy Atunnise
This is the be aware of the Lord that gave beginning to this Anointed Prayer booklet, “EARTH-MOVING PRAYERS”.
Earth-Moving Prayers is a hugely anointed deliverance prayer booklet that might remodel your lifestyles, and set you unfastened from any type of bondage or captivity you could end up. Over six hundred pages of mountain relocating and yoke destroying prayer issues. Over 5300 difficulties fixing and resolution discovering prayer issues ready via the Holy Ghost to set you unfastened. while you're able to take your existence again from that bad state of affairs, this e-book is for you, vital for each family.
These are a few of the issues addressed:
•Prayer to obtain fast miracle
•Let your spirit encounter me
•Pray prior to you commute
•Pray prior to you pay your tithes
•This isn't just one other day
•Prayer whilst in a major courtroom case
•Prayer for the baptism of fireplace
•Prayer for enterprise expansion/prosperity
•Prayer for unusual victory
•Let your angels find my advantages
•Prayer if you wish to have a brand new tale
•Prayer for mercy to beat judgment
•Prayer to beat obdurate events
•Let the lengthy distance be shortened
•Prayer for surprising benefits
•Prayer for God to struggle your conflict
•Prayer for unusual benefits
•Prayer to free up stolen benefits
•Prayer to complete uncompleted venture
•Jesus acknowledged, "It is done"
•Enter in by means of your blood O Lord
•Prayer to get stable lead to test/examination
•Prayer for God to show off His power
•Prayer to cancel evil transaction
•Deliverance out of your painful prior
•The valley of the shadow of loss of life
•Prayer to forestall the actions of the enemy
•Prayer to damage annual evil cycle
•This is the day
•Prayer if you happen to desperately desire a change
•Prayer for prosperity in time of recession
•God can do whatever
•Prayer to satisfy objective
•Prayer for God to make a manner whilst all doorways are close opposed to you
•Prayer to take away evil a great deal of disease
•Prayer to event a greater day
•Prayer for purification
•Deliverance from habit
•When your state of affairs wishes pressing consciousness
•Prayer for the hurricane sufferers
•Total deliverance from Egyptian bondage
•Upon mount Zion will be deliverance
•Prayer opposed to evil schedule
•Deliverance from unrepentant enemies
•Prayer of deliverance from witchcraft assaults
•Avenge me of my enemies
•Prayer to damage yokes and curses
•Prayer to beat stumbling blocks on your approach
•Prayer to take your existence again
•Power for deliverance
•Pray by way of the facility in Jesus identify
•New issues that the enemy can't cease
•Father, cease them that are looking to cease me
•Prayer for divine repositioning
•Prayer to go into the answer room
•Prayer to beat worry
•Prayer for rain of blessing
•I am added
•Prayer to grasp the plan of God
•Prayer in case you wish the easiest
•Impossible is over
•Prayer to open a brand new bankruptcy on your lifestyles
•Prayer to forestall evil entry in your lifestyles
•Prayer to shut evil bankruptcy on your existence
•Prayer to ruin evil strongholds
•Prayer for final minute miracle
•Prayer to reject evil manifestation
•Prayer to adventure good things
•Let my benefits come to me
•Prayer to own your throne
•Divine relocation
•Prayer to calm the typhoon of your existence
•For God not anything is most unlikely
•Prayer for unusual step forward
•Never again
•Deliverance prayer opposed to evil styles
•Foundational deliverance
•Prayer to purge your starting place
•Prayer to damage ancestral evil carry
•Prayer for divine re-arrangement
•Prayer opposed to oppression at office
•Prayer for unstoppable development
•Prayer to open the ebook of r
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Earth-Moving Prayers by Timothy Atunnise
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