Richard H. Madden's Hypsodonty in Mammals: Evolution, Geomorphology and the Role PDF

By Richard H. Madden

The evolution of high-crowned the teeth, hypsodonty, is a defining attribute of many terrestrial herbivores. thus far, the main popular concentration within the learn of tooth of grazing herbivores has been co-evolution with grasses and grasslands. This ebook develops the belief additional and appears on the myriad ways in which soil can input the nutrition. Madden then expands this research to ascertain the earth floor approaches that mobilize sediment within the setting. The textual content can provide an international standpoint on teeth put on and soil erosion, with examples from the islands of latest Zealand to the South American Andes, highlighting how related geological tactics all over the world lead to convergent evolution. the ultimate bankruptcy features a overview of elodonty within the fossil checklist and its environmental results. delivering new insights into geomorphology and adaptive and evolutionary morphology, this article will be of worth to any researcher drawn to the evolution of the teeth measurement and shape.

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Hypsodonty in Mammals: Evolution, Geomorphology and the Role of Earth Surface Processes by Richard H. Madden

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