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By David Leue

A Fighter Pilot’s Diary
The 4 Freedoms Betrayed
rather than the promised peace and the 4 Freedoms, the publish WWII new release was once sentenced to a life of battles for freedom in overseas lands. starting in Korea then later in Vietnam, our adversary was once our WWII best friend, Soviet Russia. a few known as this the “Cold War.” those scorching battles had an analogous beginning, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s include of Joe Stalin.
Capt. Leue' tells of his trip from a naive youngster during the perils of naval flight education to wrestle veteran in Korea. He tells of the lack of numerous shipmates alongside the way in which. He relates his frustrations over the firing of normal MacArthur, scuffling with in battles that the rustic had made up our minds we'd no longer win, (however, you'll die) and the conclusion that those wars have been absolutely pointless. Why hadn’t we defeated the Communists with the Nazis in WWII rather than arming them?

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Korean Combat: The Four Freedoms Betrayed, A Fighter Pilot's Diary by David Leue

by Paul

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