Rocking Around the Clock: Music Television, Postmodernism, - download pdf or read online

By E. Ann Kaplan

The first continuous rock video channel used to be introduced within the US in 1981. As a different pop culture shape, MTV warrants awareness, and during this, the 1st research of the medium, initially released in 1987, Ann Kaplan examines the cultural context of MTV and its dating to the background of rock song. the 1st a part of the ebook specializes in MTV as a advertisement establishment, at the contexts of construction and exhibition of video clips, on their similarity to advertisements, and at the varied views of administrators and audience. Does the adoption of adolescent kinds and iconography sign an open-minded reputation of youth’s subversive stances; or does it really recommend a cynicism wherein revenue has turn into the one value?

In the second one a part of the ebook, Kaplan turns to the rock video clips themselves, and from the mass of fabric that flows via MTV she identifies 5 exact kinds of video: the ‘romantic’, the ‘socially conscious’, the ‘nihilistic’, the ‘classical’, and the ‘postmodern’. There are targeted analyses of yes movies; and Kaplan focuses quite on gender concerns in movies via either female and male stars. the ultimate bankruptcy explores the broader implications of MTV. What does the channel let us know concerning the nation of stripling tradition on the time?

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Rocking Around the Clock: Music Television, Postmodernism, and Consumer Culture: Volume 9 (Routledge Library Editions: Popular Music) by E. Ann Kaplan

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