The Hook, The Hill and Lilly too !: Sunrise and Sunset in by David Mrus PDF

By David Mrus

have you obvious the dawn or sundown on Monterey Bay in California? if you happen to have not or it has been some time then step into my e-book. Be awed through the normal great thing about the golden hours in imagery. See in dwelling colour the pacific ocean in all it really is glory.

Do you like clouds? they're here!

Join with me in this course following the solar. It represents a 30-45 minute stroll from Capitola Village. We climb marine terrace outcrops, hunker down in wave lower caves and wade into the surf region to catch #solaremergence, the cusp of dawn. we are going to body the view with #visualspeedbumps, surfers, sea lions and driftwood that act as speedbumps within the line of sight. Sunsets are from the bluffs above the Village with benches to take a seat and gaze upon whales, seagulls and the tip of the day.

Let's go!

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The Hook, The Hill and Lilly too !: Sunrise and Sunset in Capitola, California. by David Mrus

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