By P. J. Farris
“Crossover Dribble saved me at the fringe of my seat similar to a championship basketball game!”
—Michael Piper, trouble-free Student
“This is a brilliant publication for readers who like activities, suspense, and humor. it's a nice stability of all 3. I couldn’t positioned this publication down!”
—Laurie Elish-Piper, Professor and analyzing sanatorium Director, Northern Illinois University
“PJ Farris’ descriptive writing takes you from the fields to the hoops with one soft sleek. Who doesn’t need to know the best way to red meat their shots?”
—Cyndi Giorgis, college of Nevada, Las Vegas
“A nice tale that takes basketball to its roots of rural lifestyles whereas instructing the rewards of exertions and resolution. a great learn for someone enthusiastic about sports.”
—Matthew Graves, Assistant Basketball trainer, Butler University
“Teen and preteen boys will specially love Crossover Dribble for its real looking and fascinating narrative and its topics which are guaranteed to trap their distinctive imaginations.”
—William G. Brozo, Ph.D., writer of To be a Boy, To be a Reader
“Strong male characters lead the reader quick into Joe’s offerings, judgements and errors as he strikes via surprises and disappointments in cornfields, cow pastures, pig pens and at the basketball court...I couldn’t cease reading!”
—Mary E. Gardner, Illinois studying instructor of the 12 months Award recipient, and
president, Northern Illinois analyzing Council
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Crossover Dribble by P. J. Farris
by Paul