Download PDF by M. Lüdicke: Internal Ear Angioarchitectonic of Serpents (Advances in

By M. Lüdicke

Serpents lack an exterior ear, a tympanic membrane, a tympanic hollow space, and a Eusta chain tube. those destructive yet very major features are noticeable phylogenetically, particularly in reference to the aid of the attention (Le., Nopsca, 1923; N.B., at the present time Pachyophis is grouped including the Simoliophidae, in addition Mahendra, 1938; partitions, 1940, 1942; Bellairs and Underwood, 1951). different authors point out those cha racteristics in reference to features of ingestion (Berman and Regal, 1967). They declare that the formation of a young tympanic membrane and a tympanic hollow space is incompatible with the mobility of the quadratum and its adjoining musculature. The power of sound should be transmitted both by way of the bones of the cranium or the otic pill or via the intercalare (medially adjoining to the quadratum) with the stapes and the. base of the columella (for the intercalare or relatively the extracolumella see De Beer, 1926 and 1937; McDowell, 1967). The vibrations of the equipment additional to the vesti buloquadratum kind (Sertakowa, 1950) begin a circulate of the perilymph within the sinus pericapsularis (sinus juxtastapedialis), within the cisterna perilymphatica and within the scala tympani with the helicotrema. This stimulates the feel organs of the papilla basilaris positioned at the membrana basilaris within the pars limbi of the ductus cochlearis jam-packed with endolymph.

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Internal Ear Angioarchitectonic of Serpents (Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology) by M. Lüdicke

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