Markets in the Name of Socialism: The Left-Wing Origins of by Johanna Bockman PDF

By Johanna Bockman

The around the globe unfold of neoliberalism has reworked economies, polities, and societies all over. In traditional bills, American and Western ecu economists, resembling Milton Friedman and Friedrich von Hayek, bought neoliberalism through popularizing their free-market principles and radical criticisms of the nation. instead of concentrating on the supplier of some widespread, conservative economists, Markets within the identify of Socialism finds a discussion between many economists on each side of the Iron Curtain approximately democracy, socialism, and markets. those discussions ended in the changes of 1989 and, accidentally, the increase of neoliberalism.

This e-book takes a really transnational examine economists' specialist outlook over a hundred years around the capitalist West and the socialist East. truly translating complex monetary rules and neoliberal theories, it provides an important reinterpretation of chilly struggle background, the autumn of communism, and the increase of cutting-edge dominant financial ideology.

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Markets in the Name of Socialism: The Left-Wing Origins of Neoliberalism by Johanna Bockman

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