Download e-book for kindle: The Living Classroom: Teaching and Collective Consciousness by Christopher M. Bache

By Christopher M. Bache

This pioneering paintings in educating and transpersonal psychology explores the dynamics of collective recognition within the lecture room. Combining clinical study with own money owed amassed over thirty years, Christopher M. Bache examines the sophisticated impacts that radiate invisibly round lecturers as they work--unintended, cognitive resonances that spring up among academics and scholars within the school room. whereas these types of synchronistic connections are frequently ignored by means of conventional teachers, Bache demonstrates that they ensue too often and are too pointed to be brushed off as mere twist of fate. Drawing upon Rupert Sheldrake's conception of morphic fields, Bache proposes that well-taught classes generate "learning fields" round them, types of collective attention which can set off new insights and startling own modifications. relocating past concept, this ebook is wealthy with pupil tales and provides useful, hands-on thoughts for lecturers who are looking to start operating with those studying fields to take their educating to a extra wide awake level.

--This textual content refers back to the Paperback edition.

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The Living Classroom: Teaching and Collective Consciousness (Suny Series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology) by Christopher M. Bache

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